International Certificate of Competency (I.C.C)
Direct assessment for coastal endorsement. The following test applies only to people who wish to obtain an ICC for coastal use and who either;
- Do not hold one of the ISA certificates of competency
- Hold the ISA National Powerboat Certificate without the Coastal endorsement.
- Hold the ISA / IWAI Certificate of Competency in Motor Cruising on Inland Waterways
A person must;
- Be able to identify the navigation lights and shapes to be shown on their own vessel.
- Be able to identify the following from the lights displayed at night;
- power driven vessel, sailing vessel, vessel at anchor, tug and tow, vessel trawling, vessel fishing (not trawling), vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuver, vessel aground.
- Be able to identify the following from the shapes displayed during the day;
- Vessel at anchor, tug and tow, vessel trawling / fishing, vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuver, Vessel aground.
- Be able to identify the following from sound signals used in restricted visibility; Power vessel underway, power vessel making way, sailing vessel underway, vessel at anchor, vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuver.
- Be able to identify, by day and by night, and describe the significance of, the bouys of the IALA system.
- Be able to identify on a chart, and describe the operation of, traffic separation schemes.
- Be able to describe what information should be obtained prior to entering or leaving a port and where this information may be obtained.
- Be able to identify on a chart, and describe the significance of, charted depths, drying heights, and other common navigation features and hazards.
- When given two or more crossing bearings and or latitude and longitude, be able to plot a position on a chart.
- Be able to determine the correct compass course to steer between two points allowing for leeway and tidal currents.
- Using a tide table, be able to determine the time of high and low water for a standard port.
- For a position on the coast or in a channel adjacent to a primary port, be able to estimate the time and direction of maximum and minimum tidal flow.
Method of assessment: Candidates undertaking this assessment will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of the above section by way of a written or oral assessment using assessment papers and guidelines issued by the Irish Sailing for this purpose.
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